Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sick, sick & more sick!!!

Sickness is running thru our house so fierce it is ridiculous. It started last week on Saturday with Rileigh experiencing pains in her side. She had not been acting like herself, and after a few hours wasn't eating just sitting in pain. I decided to take her to the ER at about 7pm. Aidyn was staying at a friends house for the night, and I dropped the other two off at my neighbors. They diagnosed Rileigh with a UTI and sent us home w/a 3 day antibiotic. Well that was that. Aidyn in the mean time had started to cough so bad that he literally was throwing up. (He has an extremely terrible gag reflex condition) So after listening to the cough worsen I decided at about 4am on the following Tuesday I was off yet again to take him to the ER. They then diagnosed him with Bronchitis, and sent us on our way with an antibiotic, and albuterol for our nebulizer. Everyone was fine and good Ri started to feel much better right away going to volleyball practice the very next day after her visit and playing in 2 basketball games back to back on the day after that. Aidyn wasn't sounding any better though. On Wednesday (the very next day after I took Aidyn) Rileigh calls home from school in pain once again. I pack up Reese and Aidyn (who missed the entire week of school) and headed to get Ri from school. On our way back home looking back into the truck was rileigh doubled over in pain and Aidyn coughing so much I could hardly keep a thought in my head. Guess what we were heading back to the ER. (our 3rd visit in 5 days) Call me crazy but you just know when your child is not getting better and AIdyn definitely was sounding worse! When I got to the ER this time I was in for a real treat, I had taken Reese with me, who at the point was the only other one besides myself that wasn't sick. But in other words decided to freak out all the way to the hospital because she dropped her "quarter" (which was really a penny). I don't quite know where she thought she was going that she needed it right then, but when the girl wants something, she wants it!! So checking in was terrible the put each kid in their own room (thank god they were side by side). I stood in the doorway with Reese on my hip because she is so afraid of "men" that I couldn't put her down. So I am doing my best to give the nurse the inquired information she is asking of me at the very same time the other one is coming at me with her very same questionnaire. They did however send them both back to the same room once in the actual ER. Now we were settled in the Dr. comes in and right away orders a chest Xray for Aidyn. They ended up starting an IV on Ri (who by the way was most intrigued, after the initial pinch of the needle that is). So I was forced to leave Rileigh there by herself, telling the nurse who was helping us out to please keep her eye on her. Aidyn's chariot pulled up, described by Reese as his "stroller". It was kinda like a wheelchair, but without sides. Needless to say he enjoyed his ride down to his next destination. Once the Xray was taken the technician brought him in so that he could see his pictures. Back in the room, they really could not find anything wrong with Ri, they did however do a blood test to rule out appendicitis. Thank god. So for her good for Aidyn not so much. Seems that his bronchitis turned into pneumonia. After 3 hours there trying to keep the kids entertained and with tv and snacks we were off the the pharmacy for the last time. A new antibiotic and different meds for our nebulizer. They are thankfully on their way to recovery. But now just last Saturday at Rileigh's volleyball game Reese decided to start throwing up. Yeah! Why not, really she has been fine all this time. So now it has been 3 full days since, and she hasn't left the couch except to be carried to bed at night. As for the rest of the week, we will just have to wait to see what happens.