Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Meet Mr. Wrinkles.....

Ok , where shall I begin ?? The big kids came home from school today (track practice was cancelled due to the 89 degree weather) and thanks goodness for the following reason....

Ashden comes in yelling my name, now mind you I am knee deep in the boys bedroom by this time "Down here" I yelled back. Here he comes flying downstairs holding a note card holder. He proceeds to tell me he found something really cool at school today during his 3rd hour. They were working outside on something or another. He opens the box and inside is a baby painter turtle!! Aka Mr. Wrinkles....

He was very cute, as I do like turtles and remembered when I used to "collect" a few here and there keeping them until they die. Anyways.. Reese fell in love with him right from the start, and so I knew he was going to be around for a bit.

Funny part of the story is how he managed to make it to our house. So my child is in 3rd hour and sees this turtle outside, and decided he is going to keep him. Now how do you think he plans to smuggle the little guy into the building?? HA well, why not wrap him up in notebook paper putting in a few staples to make sure he won't escape. (In case you are confused on my 2 boys Ashden is the 8th grader) So not what to do with him until school lets out at 2:08? Well why not just stuff him into your locker?? Seriously what was going on in that little noggin of his is beyond me. So there Mr. Wrinkles sat hour after hour, possibly being checked on during a passing period or two. Reese is now "In love with him" she says. Why not she has seen him and held him all of 10 minutes..

This takes us to 4:00 time to take Rileigh to her volleyball lesson, so with puppy dog eyes and a real pitiful look here came Mr. Wrinkles in the car for a visit to the Dunes Center. The girls got a kick out of him, and according to Reese they all love him as much as her, and were quite glad she brought him.

And as I sit here blogging with a full belly of my husbands spaghetti (which he prepared early this morning before work for us, god love him) Reese is still perched at the counter now trying to convince her friend Maya that "He is just a baby, he will not attack you!!"

For those of you that know the Yettaw's you should know he will not be with us for long, so we will enjoy Mr. Wrinkles for now, and pray he goes before we are planning a turtle funeral!